Top 10 Tips for Golfing Without Pain

Golf-related injuries happen to golfers of all ages, sizes and skill levels. The golf swing is a complex movement that requires full strength and range of motion of every part of your body, and it creates a lot of force on your joints.  Pain (and a poor golf swing) often occur when you don’t use the right muscles, but can also be a result of poor nutrition or hydration, or a host of other problems. Read our top tips for avoiding pain in your golf game.

Are You Breathing the Right Way?

With the recent respiratory pandemic, there is no better time for you to learn how to breathe properly and more efficiently. Take a deep breath…What do you notice?  Did you fill your lungs completely or was your breath shallow? you feel tightness in any of your muscles? Did your belly or your shoulders move? Most people find that their chest and shoulders move and they only fill their upper lobes of their lungs. This is a very inefficient way to breathe! So, how are you really supposed to breathe?  Check out these tips.

New TrueRelief Treatment Option

TrueRelief is a pain relief alternative to opiods. It is an FDA-cleared, non-invasive medical device that uses a patented combination of high frequency electrical current to help resolve chronic pain or post-surgical/post-traumatic pain. A pilot study at United Healthcare physical therapy clinics found that 97% of treatments resulted in pain reduction, with a 67% average pain reduction. TherExcel is one of the few clinics in the area currently approved to administer this treatment. Learn more about TrueRelief here, and contact us to discuss how this might help you.

Core Stability

Although this article references junior performance, the concepts actually apply to every golfer. We all have muscles that are “stabilizers” and “movers” and when we use them correctly, everything is easier. As we age, we may have a bit less mobility in our bodies, but it is still critical to use these muscles properly to prevent injury and perform at our best. Read my article here.